La Voz de las Abuelas y los Abuelos en el Aula: Testimonio sobre la Medicina Andina para revivir los Saberes Ancestrales
Huisa Mamani, Felipe
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Esta investigación pone la voz la voz de las abuelas y los abuelos en el aula, a partir de testimonios para dar a conocer a los integrantes del sistema educativo, de la misma manera en la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (EIB), la sabiduría sobre la medicina andina para revivir y preservar la memoria colectiva de nuestros ancestros. Mi motivación principal surge cuando percibo que en las escuelas (formales) se da prioridad a la perspectiva del saber occidental, ya sea con los textos escolares o la propuesta de los contenidos en el desarrollo del programa curricular. Digo esto, basado en mi experiencia personal, ya que cuando estaba en la escuela; no recuerdo haber escuchado relatos de las voces de las abuelas(os) sobre la medicina ancestral. Por eso, he recogido testimonios y realizado entrevistas para evidenciar la vigencia de la sabiduría de cuidado y crianza de las plantas medicinales que persisten a través del tiempo. En la Pandemia, se evidencia con mayor fuerza el uso y la vigencia de las plantas medicinales y las prácticas de sanación y curación en distintas partes del mundo andino. Pisi rimayllapi wilasayki
Ñawpa runakunap yachayninta, yuyayninta yachay wasikunapi, kawsayninmanta pacha kay llamk’ayqa mat’ipanqa. ari kachkanmi huq yuyay yachaypi mat’ipanapaq, kay llank’aywanqa irqikunaman yachachinapaq material didactico nisqata paqarichinapaqmi, huñupi sumaqta ñawpa ch’awchunchiskunaq hampi qurakunamanta yachayninta yachananchispaq. Anchhiynata, qukunqa riqsinapaq kay Educacion Intercultural Bilingue nisqamanta pacha (EIB), qura hampikunamanta suyunchiskunapi yachaykunataqa astawan llapallanta kawsarichinapaq ñawpa ch’awchunchiskunaq yuyayninta. nuqaq kay ruwanaypaq kawsa karan qhawarisqayman hina yachay wasikunapi achkwantaqa botica hampi nisqaman rinku. riqsimusqaymanta pacha yachay wasipi, ña qhillqapi utaq programa curricular nisqapi mana rikumunichu nitaq uyarinichu ñawpa ch’awchunchiskunaq yachaynin kawsaynin kunkakunata hampi qurakunamanta rimachkaqta. ichaqa chay willakuykunata tapusqa kutichimusqankuta ima tarimuni hampi qurakunamanta hinaspa chaypi kay yachaykuna llaqtanchiskunapi haqhay unay watamanta pacha kachkasqantaraq yachananchispaq. qura hampikuna hampi kasqantaqa yachanchis pandemia nisqa allinta hampimullarantaq runamasinchiskunata, ari karanmi t’aqwiriy k’uchkiriy kay covid-19 nisqa unquypaq hampikunata imayna tukuy tiqsi muyuntimpi t’aqwirillankutaq kikillanta.
Chanin rimaykuna: Ñawpa ch’awchunchiskunaq qura hampi riqsisqankumantapacha, hampi qurawan hampiy yachaq, warmi unquchiy yachaq, tullu hampiy yachaq, ayllunchiskunapa ch’awchumpa yachayninta yachasun. Abstract
This research puts the voice of grandmothers and grandfathers in the classroom, based on testimonies. Its objective is to create educational material to achieve the integration and appreciation of ancestral knowledge and wisdom about Andean medicine. Thus, the members of the educational system will be made aware, in the same way in Intercultural Bilingual Education (EIB), the wisdom about Andean medicine to revive and preserve the collective memory of our ancestors. My main motivation arises when I perceive that in (formal) schools priority is given to the Western knowledge perspective, whether with school textbooks or the proposal of content in the development of the curricular program. I say this, based on my personal experience, since when I was in school; I don't remember hearing stories from the voices of grandmothers about ancestral medicine. For this reason, he collected testimonies and conducted interviews to demonstrate the validity of the wisdom of care and breeding of medicinal plants that persist over time. In the Pandemic, the use and validity of medicinal plants and healing and healing practices in different parts of the Andean world are more clearly evident.
Keywords: traditional medicine, Intercultural Education, medicine, medicinal plants.